The OGM - Ho99o9

Fresh from sharing the stage with alternative Goliaths Marilyn Manson and The Prodigy, Ho99o9 have certainly left a ears ringing across the UK and America, unleashing their genre merging sound to fans of heavy metal and techno the 3 piece are deservedly finding a name for themselves among some of the best uprising acts around. During their time spent with the Prodigy ripping apart the UK I was fortunate enough to exchange some words with The OGM, one of the groups front men, discussing their time on tour, upcoming releases and who Ho99o9 are...

So you've just finished touring with The God OF Fuck himself and are currently doing the rounds with The Prodigy, who are two very different artists, what's it been like touring with them both?

theOGM aka Lil Booth:
 Yea definitely different. It was dope touring with both of them , We got to hang with Manson a few times, super chill dude, his crew was also great. Same with Prodigy , The dudes were very chill. I had been speaking with Liam [Howlett] for some time now.

How were you received by the fans?

theOGM aka Lil Booth: The fans for the most part loved it, probably a few that still didn't understand it haha but overall all love ya know?

Of course you featured on songs with 2 of the last 3 bands your toured with (Prodigy and 3Teeth) Any chances of a Ho99o9xManson release soon?

theOGM aka Lil Booth: Trust, I'm workin on getting that verse, don't hold your breathe tho haha.

What's it's been like breaking outside of the US? you've toured the UK and Europe quite a lot already, how's it been?

theOGM aka Lil Booth: U.K. / Europe has been wonderful for us. Aside from there we gettin our stamps UP Just played in Moscow, Russia, shit was LIT! and we did Japan recently!

Have you got a favourite place to gig?

TheOGM aka Lil Booth: Blessed we do well in London always. Belgium, Amsterdam, Berlin, France go mad just to name a few, but overall its just big love.

Moving away from touring, you posted about a 'Cyber Cop EP' is there any more info on that yet..?

theOGM aka Lil Booth: it's an EP we made out of frustration. It's about 7 songs but we have more.

What can we expect to hear from it?

TheOGM aka Lil Booth: The energy of the EP is about how we as artist have become slaves to our own art & how the Internet / social media plays a role in our destruction.

You said in an interview at your night in Camden recently that no matter how angry or brutal you sound on stage, you want the fans to 'get love out of [your music]' could you ever see yourselves writing a slower, calmer track in the future?

theOGM aka Lil Booth: Yea we have some already that aren't released , you'll get a taste soon, shout out to Lil Booth!

Finally to finish with something totally random, how would you describe the band to someone who's never heard of you?

theOGM aka Lil Booth: I wouldn't describe it, I would tell them to listen or go see for their own, it's the only way to truly understand. you gotta live it, breathe it. In the hood, people can tell you stories, but it ain't the same till you been in or around it.


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