WALLFLAG_ Presents : 'ave a look son!

During the current circumstances when we're all stuck at home with nothing to do, us at WALLFLAG_ thought we'd lend a hand to the old entertainment spectrum and put together a brand new 'WF_ Presents:' series, 'ave a look son! A new playlist sharing some of the biggest tunes recently released by our favourite new and upcoming bands featuring 2 exclusive *standout songs* that shouldn't be skipped! In a time when we don't have much else to do, why not sit down and have a listen to someone who might just become your next favourite band.

'WALLFLAG Presents : 'ave a look son! Playlist'

* Killing Roy - Amplifier *
* Standout song - Being only the 2nd release from this London based 5 piece they certainly hit the mark with this indie rock number, driven with loud guitars and heavy drum beats it builds through catchy but powerful choruses towards an in your face instrumental crescendo, which puts this into 'Ave a look sons!' first ever pair of standout songs. *

Hotel Lux - Eddie's Gaff

Wallflower - Hungry Eyes

Talk Show - Banshee

Sports Team - Here's The Thing

Life - Switching On

Strange Bones - Ten Guns

Squid - Sludge

* The Oriellels - Memoirs Of Miso *
* Standout song - From their sophmore album this spacey number falls into the cosmic-pop waves floating around, full of smooth brass notes and heavenly synths, taking parts of classic pop, funk and prog this expansive tune easily grooves it's way into our standout songs. *

Bob Vylan - We Live Here

Para Fiction - Project 47

Barren - All I Can Think About


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