Love On The Road: Liam Torrance - Casey

1. "The longest time I've been away from Danielle was probably our very first tour, it was with Capsize and 68 and pretty much lasted for the whole month, as far as tours go it wasn't really that gruelling but the way the shows spanned out over lots of travelling was tough to touch base with home when I had five minutes, I think that tour showed me how supportive she was of what I do and helped me get to grips with what I'd be doing a lot more of."
2. "The longest I've gone without speaking to Danielle was on our 1st run with Being As An Ocean, my phone provider didn't know I was travelling and they blocked my phone, it was truly hell because we were moving house at the time so I just had to assume everything went okay, a few weeks of borrowing phones and relying on decent venue Wifi."

3. "I don't think we are at a decent level where our partners can travel with us just yet, that would have been amazing but there's nothing glamorous about touring in a small transit van for 4 weeks and things get pretty stressful on the road, maybe if we had a nice bus we could take our partners but for now we just tour as a band and our crew, we go to festivals together which is really nice, we did download and Slamdunk festival together this year and it was super fun."

4. "Touring the UK is always easier on our relationship because everything is closer, there's been times where I've just driven to shows in the UK on a tour just to spend the night in bed and at home, it's just generally more familiar so I know Danielle feels a lot better with me being in a city she knows as a pose to some German town in the middle of nowhere, Wifi is generally a lot worse because we have "The Cloud" that most Wetherspoons have to offer and you'd be lucky to make a call off that."

5. "Whatsapp is an absolute saviour on good Wifi and we both love Skypeing when we can! As long as you have good Wifi you can pretty much get in contact anywhere! Skype and Whatsapp are saviours when touring!"

Top tip: "I think the best tip for anyone in a relationship when touring is involved is make sure the other person knows what they are in for, I met Danielle when I was in another touring band and I was also in university so distance was always a factor, if your with someone who doesn't like you being away from home it's really important to let them know it's a choice you've made and you're doing what makes YOU happy, if they can't handle it then it probably isn't going to work out, I'm extremely lucky that Danielle supports everything I do and is also a big fan of the band."


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