Connor Peek//Cabin Boy Jumped Ship

My first question to him was in regards to their recent loss of a founding member of the band, asking that despite they're looking so strong from it what is it like behind the scenes to which he said "It sucks to lose such a key part of CBJS", explaining that Lloyds' (the now ex- member) voice was such an important part of many of their songs choruses but in all they're ...okay with it and wish him all the best as they part separate ways.
Of course I then asked about their replacement member Jayke and what he can bring to the band in their new chapter and he simply replied "he'll bring a new, fresh perspective to things which will challenge how [the band] work on their new album"
I then tried to get any information I could in regards to the cryptic messages they've been posting lately which he was reluctant to give much information away about apart from "We'll have new music out very soon, packaged with a tour, so keep your eyes peeled"
Then when I asked about any inspirations or meaning behind the new logo he kept his mouth tightly sealed saying just "You'll have to wait and see"
And in typical fashion I asked something pretty irrelevant to the rest which was 'What's CBJS favourite band' and Connor of course answering for himself said he's "Jamming" The Amity Affliction right now.


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