Ned Russin//Titlefight

I usually send over 5 questions to an artist for an email interview, about their music, touring, stories and others.
This time my first 2 questions were based on their upcoming performance at Outbreak Festival in Leeds and any future plans to tour the rest ...of the UK and my 3rd was in regards to any hint at new music soon as they haven't released anything in almost 2 years but unfortunately he told me that the whole band have strict obligations from the record company to not discussing touring or musical release plans without discussion from their manager but ended the answer with an ellipsis, possibly hinting something may be in the works?
Continuing on the subject of festivals I asked what his ideal festival line up which he said would include a lot of his American music friends like Alex G, Tony Molina and Andy Shauf and also some similar hardcore bands he's a fan of like Ex Hex and Balance and Composure with Fury, Porches, Give, Praises and Open City to finish off the bill.
My last question was just asking about some memorable stories from their absolute masses of touring for the last few years and he revealed they had quite a few.
He told me that they managed to arrange a one off show with Alex G, Who he'd personally been a fan of for a while, Basement and Adventures which went down really well. After that they got talking and ended up going on a full tour together where they got bonding even more and became big fans of each others music. 'Beach Music will go down as one of the best' he said referring to Alex Gs American tour in support of his album Beach Music, going on to say the tour finished in Austin Texas at Fun Fun Fun festival where the bands booked an Air BnB for the weekend, one night Alex came round and stayed up late with them, the people who rented the place to the bands made it clear everything was available to use including food, 'Near the end of the night Alex found 2 potatoes in the fridge and decided to cut up and fry half of one (as a whole was too much work)' he then went on to say that Alex got so paranoid they'd be annoyed at him for eating the food he woke them up at 3 in the morning when he ran to the kitchen picked up the remaining half a potato and launched it out the window to 'dispose of the evidence', The renters left a 5* review though and never even knew.


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