Ross Drummond//Cheap Meat

My questions are always based on bands recent activities whether that's musical releases or gigs or anything else they've done.
Cheap Meat hadn't posted a single thing on social media this year! SO of course I quizzed them on that under the assumption they're locked away recording some cracking new songs for us.. "...Indeed! We've been locked away rehearsing and in the studio writing some new stuff" Ross started with, going on to reveal that they're looking to start recording their debut album in March and that they'll be dropping a new single (with a video) just before their show at the Black Heart in London very soon.
Which funnily enough tied in nicely as my following question was about exactly that show! "It will be a blast!!" In those exact words, he then told me it's been a whole year now since they've done a headline show so they're absolutely itching to get back out there and specially to play some new songs for the fans. He then recommended me (and everyone) to listen to their excellent back up band 'Loa Loa' before continuing to explain how much fun their live shows our "and not like obligatory fun like office parties... more melt your face and air guitar jamming fun".
Changing the tone I asked the totally cliché "despite the fact you're pretty unique, who's your biggest influence?" Which was met with an unsure tone but he was more than happy to say how the whole band LOVE Guns 'n' Roses and are going to see them in June this year.
Continuing from the unique tone I had to question their name... I mean come on, Cheap Meat??
So Ross gave the story of how he and the other members met through their own mates who're all avid BBQ fans, and once they started hanging out and jamming together they wanted a "dumb and easy name that people could chant at them" and that was that, Cheap Meat was born (despite the fact 'Meat Sweats' was a tough contender for the weirdest suggestion award)
And finally to finish it had to be TRV Music Photography's signature question, what can we be expecting in the future? Which was so simply met with "More music, more shows and more bad jokes on twitter"


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