Connor Fathers//Decade

So having just released their spanking New album I had to ask straight off how they felt about getting it out there and Connor said "excited is an understatement!" And that it's so relieving to set it free after keeping so much under wraps for so long....
I then asked about the album art, which is a very simplistic design but looks truly magnificent in style, and if there was any inspiration or meaning behind it at all and it turns out that he and his girlfriend Jess made it themselves in there apartment! Going into more detail he explained that they wanted to capture something bold that would "stand out on record shop shelves", then telling me about the ironic meaning they were aiming for he said it symbolises the giving of flowers as a pleasantry but of course they've died, despite still being brightly coloured they're subtly wilting and rotting away which ties nicely with the albums title 'pleasantries'.
Carrying on grilling the new album I questioned their biggest challenge with the process of bringing out new material to which he said that it was actually written over the course of a couple of years but recorded in a matter of weeks! "Creating a coherent body of work that flowed over a full LP" he said was possibly the biggest challenge before adding that the recording process pieced everything together perfectly, then finished with "seeing how far we can push ourselves to make new sounds is always a challenge, albeit a fun one".
When the album was ready to be dropped they offered to stream it free on Rocksound for the 24 hours prior to its official release so I thought it appropriate to talk about social media and the effect it has on modern bands and specially whether a big social media presence is vital for growing bands, his immediate reply was "it's never easy to know what works well or not with social media", revealing that he and the band pick up new ideas every day and that really they just have to think what they'd like to see other bands they follow online and set bench marks from there.
And in what is now my style I finished with a pretty unrelated question which was; what is the best thing to see in the crowd when up on stage, to which he answered "nothing will ever compare to seeing and hearing people sing back the words you wrote, don't think it'll ever stop feeling so surreal and rewarding".
Decades latest album 'Pleasantries' is out now and they'll be playing Slamdunk and 2000 trees festivals this summer


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